1Rechard P.Gabriel .the Rise of worse is better. (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
2Adam Mathes. Folksonomies: Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata. (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
3Clay Shirky. folksonomies + controlled vocabularies. (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
4David Weinberger. Taxonomies and Tags:From Trees to Piles of Leaves. (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
5Shelley Powers .Accidental Smarts la mode (a response to just about about any body who is interested). (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
6Thomas Vander Wal. Explaining and Showing Broad and Narrow Folksonomies.?blog=1635 (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
7Louis Rosenfeld.Folksonomies? How about Metadata Ecologies?. (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
8Cory Doctorow . Metacrap: Putting the torch to seven straw-men of the meta-utopia.~doctorow/metacrap.htm (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
9Clay Shirky. Ontology is Overrated: Categories, Links, and Tags. (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
10Jon Udell. Tag mania sweeps the Web. (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
11Tony Hammond etc. Social Bookmarking Tools (I) A General Review. (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
12Peter Merholz . How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Relinquish Control. (Accessed Jul.15,2005)
13维基百科全书. 维基百科条目. (Accessed Jul.15,2005) (责任编辑:admin) |