寮曠敤鏈枃锛濮滄旦鐒, 鍛ㄨ悕, 鏉ㄨ倴鍏.澶т紬濯掍綋瑙嗛噹涓嬬殑鈥滃仴搴蜂腑鍥解濃斺斿熀浜2016-2017骞撮儴鍒嗗獟浣撴姤閬撶殑鏂囨湰鍒嗘瀽[J].涓浗鍗敓鏀跨瓥鐮旂┒,2018,11(9):76-82
鎶曠鏃堕棿锛2018-03-30 淇鏃ユ湡锛2018-07-10 PDF鍏ㄦ枃娴忚 HTML鍏ㄦ枃娴忚
濮滄旦鐒1, 鍛ㄨ悕2, 鏉ㄨ倴鍏2
1. 杈藉畞绀句細绉戝闄㈢ぞ浼氬鎵 杈藉畞娌堥槼 110031;
2. 澶嶆棪澶у鍏叡鍗敓瀛﹂櫌 鍥藉鍗敓鍋ュ悍濮斿崼鐢熸妧鏈瘎浼伴噸鐐瑰疄楠屽 涓婃捣 200032
鍏抽敭璇:鍋ュ悍涓浗 濯掍綋鎶ラ亾 鏂囨湰鎸栨帢 涓婚妯″瀷
The presence of 鈥淗ealthy China鈥 in mass media: A text mining of news reports in 2016-2017
JIANG Hao-ran1, ZHOU Ping2, YANG Xiao-guang2
1. Institute of Sociology, Liaoning Academy of Social Science, Shenyang Liaoning 110031, China;
2. School of Public Health, Fudan University, Key Lab of Health Technology Assessment, National Health Planning Commission, Shanghai 200032, China
Abstract:Objective:Analyze the selected news report on Healthy China in the media during 2016-2017, and try to understand the policy focus and progress from a new perspective. Methods:Collect 6999 pieces of news reports on Healthy China and analyze key areas and their distribution patterns through word frequency analysis and topic model clustering. Results:The news report of Healthy China presents highly diversified characteristics. The time distribution of report is in line with national important events (such as the "two sessions" and the 19th CPC National Congress), and it is consistent with the major framework of the national policy on the content. The topicmodel analysis shows that the reports could be divided into categories like health care, life style, health industry, which is also matching the policy focus. Conclusion:The policy framework of Healthy China is consistent with the presentation form of media reports, suggesting that news media may be a potential source of evidence for public policy analysis, and it also shows the potential of text mining methods in accomplishing related policy analysis tasks.
Key words:Healthy China News reports Text mining Topic models
鎽樿鐐瑰嚮娆℃暟: 987 鍏ㄦ枃涓嬭浇娆℃暟: 402